Yayımlanan firmware ile yeni ayarlar ve Türkçe dil seçeneği eklenmiş

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V1.1 (20151229)
1, increasing Angle Menu setting options
2, increasing the viewing angle underwater mode menu setting options
3, increasing LOGO watermark menu setting options
4, increase the volume menu setting options
5, optimization menu order
6, Color options added plus cool colors , warm colors.
7, modify, change the white balance and color reproduction

V1.0: (20151009)
1, modify the photo EXIF ​​Information
2, modify multiple languages:
Supported languages ​​are:
1 English
2, Dutch
3, French
4, German
5, Spain
6, Italian
7, Portuguese
8, Simplified Chinese
9, Japanese
10, Traditional Chinese
11, Russian
12, Korean
13, Romanian
14, Polish
15, Czech
16, Slovak
17, Hungarian
18, Denmark
19, Hebrew
20, Vietnamese
21, Turkish
3, increasing shooting function
4, the default source frequency to 50HZ
5, modify no connection WIFI card, press the video icon, the video stream on a black screen issue APP
6, modify WIFI name is less than 16 letters, you can not display problems WIFI names in WIFI connection interface
7, modify the OSD problem.
Modify Russian, French, Spanish, Polish, Italian, Japanese, Dutch word leak problem
Repair Hebrew language entry shows the wrong question
8, the version number changes to V1.0